Tree of Health Appointments

Clients in driving distance of Aptos (in Santa Cruz County, CA) get their choice of where to meet.  Some delight in meeting for their Health Hours at “the Tree.”

Notice the fairy ring of redwoods just behind the building.  Building an effigy of the “Mother” redwood tree was clearly the intent of this very special domicile.

The Tree of Health looks like a giant redwood stump with a “Hobbit House” attached. And is a place of Healing.

This adorable building originally  housed the family who ran the “Motor Hotel” in the 1930’s, which is how the village was built.

Today it is a treasure of Aptos.  Sadly, it could be in danger with the out-of-control rising costs of living in Santa Cruz, but we are fortunate to have several Complementary practitioners who keep this building as a community Healing Choice.